
Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

10% better relationships daily - want to know the secret?

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader --

Thanks for having me in your inbox.

This week, we continue our journey with the #ShowUpPositive Spark, ALLIED, and you've got to hear this story that is as much about pictures as words.

Last night, it poured -- lightning, thunder, and torrential rain.

Because my favorite daily ritual is walking my dogs on the hiking trails at the local park, I am not always the biggest fan of rain.

My nature walks provide space for thinking as well as relaxation. And this year, I want to seek beauty each day.

[You know how it is Reader. When you visit the same places every day, you are often on autopilot and fail to really see what is around you.]

So you might be thinking, "Winter, bare trees, soggy ground -- not a very inspiring morning," because I was in that head space, too.

When we reached the trail, I took a deep breath, centering and relaxing my mind. I wanted to be present and invigorated.

Immediately, this view caught my eye.

Do you see the dainty droplets of water clinging to the plants?

Across the marsh, these sparkling gems caught my eye and captivated me.

It made me wonder what was unique about this particular rainfall, which caused the water to suspend in perfect droplets across the barren trees and landscape.

Last night before bed, when I saw morning rain in the forecast, I was bummed. I assumed that it would make my morning less enjoyable.

Now, I was reveling in the beauty the rain had created.

Yes, I had to navigate puddles. Muddy water splashed on my pants and shoes, and my dog's paws and bellies were wet and muddy.

Yet the gift on this rainy morning was extraordinary to behold.

I began to contemplate one of my favorite lessons from Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Charmine -- you can find 10% that is right in anything.

So here is what I offer to you from my morning's walk, Reader, Imagine how much stronger and richer your relationships could be if you always chose to find the 10% with which you could align.

In today's fractured society, people reject those who differ from themselves.

We've lost the ability to tolerate, let alone appreciate, disagreement.

I want to offer you a different perspective and challenge you to actively seek the 10% that you can value and appreciate in others' words and ideas.

Being allied doesn't mean you have to be in 100% agreement.

You can be allied on just that tiniest 10%, and it will significantly impact the possibilities that emerge.

So, this week, will you join me Reader in searching for the 10% rightness in others' ideas that allows you to align with and support them?

And who knows what other extraordinary things will emerge? On my walk, as I completed the loop that brought me back to the parking lot, I was greeted by the most surprising sight: the first snowdrops blooming after the rain.

It turns out rain isn't the enemy of my morning walk but the giver of joy.

Who is the joy giver awaiting you?

Have a fabulous week!

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Rita Ernst, Positivity Influencer

Author | Speaker | Organizational Psychologist

My weekly emails are for you if you want a transformational SHOT OF POSITIVITY that makes you think, gets you laughing, and sparks a positive change. Start each week inspired.

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